Hire 10x faster with AI

Streamline and automate your recruitment and hiring process with Employ.

Our AI-powered tool has come to enhance the HR field.

Employ: Get started, it's free!
Hiring is made easy by Employ. Zero-learning curve and faster than any other tool.
Let the interviews flow like water
Instant sourcing, perfectly matched candidates, and engaging with candidates however you want.
We take care of candidates with our Recruiters powered by AI.
Chill while we interview.
Start automating today, and be part of the innovation movement with Employ.

Customize your video interviews with AI

Find the ideal candidate by adding all relevant information about your company and creating evaluative questions.

Automate video interviews with over 125 avatars, 100 languages, and more than 100 editable templates, and reflect your company's identity in each job opening.

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No more typical interviews

With the implementation of AI in the selection and hiring processes, say goodbye to human interviews and discover its benefits.

Optimization of time and resources

More effective hiring process

Hire in less than 48 hours

Measurable data

Improved candidate experience

Screenings without barriers
Interviews from anywhere
Contact us at
Sit back, we find candidates.
Customize your communication.
Make HR enjoyable, like a pizza!

Let Employ find the best talents for you

Are you looking for the ideal talents for your company and dedicating too much time and resources to the search?
The solution is simple: Employ! The first AI recruiter that automates and simplifies the hiring process.

Don't waste any more time on interviews and let Employ take care of the entire hiring process.

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Your stories start here!

Improve the performance of your team with Employ