Self-Service Video Interviews

Meet the AI Recruiters! Get a fully functional team of full-time recruiters at the cost of a part-time recruiter.
Employ: Get started, it's free!
Hire 10x faster with Employ AI.
Attract the best candidates with our self-service AI tool.
No more scheduling
No more scheduling
More candidates in less time
More candidates in less time
Share recorded interviews
Share recorded interviews
Great candidates experience
Great candidates experience
Interview many candidates simultaneously.

Award-Winning HR Technology

Don't spend another minute interviewing candidates. Our AI recruiters can interview hundreds of candidates simultaneously. Our
ground-breaking AI equips you to pinpoint vital skills, construct effective talent pipelines, and captivate candidates with customized communications.
Hire Faster
Hire Faster
Asses skills not resumes
Assess Skills
not Resumes
Increase diversity
Increase Diversity
Enterprise security
Enterprise Security

Replay the video, your memory may fail

Avoid the risk of misremembering or letting biases distort facts. Rely on recorded interviews from our AI Recruiter for the most accurate information. Revisit these recordings to resolve discrepancies when team members are not in sync. Video replay aids your team in making more precise and less biased hiring decisions.
More accuracy, less bias. Replay the video, your memory may fail.
Instant interviews have many benefits, discover all of them at Employ.
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Enhance Comfort and Boost Confidence

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Eliminate the Pressure of On-the-Spot

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Accommodate Busy Schedules

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Clarify Role Expectations

Engage with Individuals, Not Resumes

Accommodate Neurodiverse Talent

Ensure Fair and Consistent Evaluation

Broaden Your Reach Beyond Borders
and Barriers

Make smart decisions during the hiring process with a fully automated tool. Try Employ in just a minute and jump to the next level.

Your stories start here!

Improve the performance of your team with Employ