Supercharge your recruiting with our integrations

Job boards
LinkedIn is a versatile platform for professional networking, profile showcasing, job searching, and industry engagement. With its premium features, it offers enhanced networking and career growth possibilities.

LinkedIn complements recruitment in the following ways:

  1. Seamless Job Posting: Integration allows job postings from the automated software to be directly published on LinkedIn, maximizing the reach to a vast pool of professionals.
  2. Candidate Verification: LinkedIn profiles serve as a valuable reference for verifying candidates' professional backgrounds, skills, and recommendations.
  3. Data Enrichment: Employ can use LinkedIn data to enhance candidate profiles within its database, ensuring up-to-date and accurate information.
  4. Engagement: Employ can use LinkedIn messaging to initiate conversations and interactions with candidates, streamlining communication.
  5. Company Insights: Accessing LinkedIn company pages provides insights into potential employers, helping candidates make informed decisions.
  6. Talent Pool Building: Employ can automatically save LinkedIn profiles of potential candidates, creating a talent pool for future hiring needs.
  7. Networking Insights: LinkedIn connections and mutual acquaintances offer valuable insights, aiding in establishing rapport during the recruitment process.

By integrating LinkedIn with Employ's recruitment automation, companies can optimize their hiring process by sourcing, verifying, engaging, and building relationships with potential candidates seamlessly and efficiently.