Automated Screenings for Hotels with High Hiring Volume

The hospitality industry is replacing traditional hiring practices with Smart AI Video Interviews.

AI HR for Hotels
Integration with all the job portals.
LinkedIn job advertisement site
AI assistant creator
AI avatar in an interview
AI screening plus data form
Logo of SandsLogo of ProvenanceLogo of Saunders Hotel GroupLogo of Accor Live Limitless

Say bye to long processes

Due to an overwhelmingly large number of applications and multiple interviews, the recruitment cycle can be lengthy.
Employ's AI Video Interviews cut the recruitment cycle in half by instantly conducting and analyzing first-round interviews, enabling faster, smarter hiring decisions.

Employ app iPhone mock up
Employ app iPhone mock up

Recruiting in multiple locations

Hiring across multiple sites can be complex and time-consuming, from tracking candidates to managing offer letters.
Employ's AI Recruiters simplify multi-site hiring by conducting consistent, automated interviews and centralizing all candidate evaluations, making offer management a breeze.

All-in-one Recruiting Software


Meet candidates where they are.

Job Boards
Publish in multiple portals at the same time.

Social Media
Get more ROI from your campaigns with an application flow that converts.

✅ Careers Page
Keep an up-to-date landing for those who would like you to join your team.


Talk the talk and walk the walk.

✅ Video Interviews
Meet future team members with engaging interviews by AI Recruiters.

✅ Frictionless Flow
Engage your candidates to swipe, click and watch their way through a mobile-first application process.

✅ Progressive Application
Capture candidate information as you engage them through their application, no one gets left behind.


Quality candidates, fast.

✅ Dynamic Screening
Screen candidates authentically leveraging native video, text and audio capabilities.

✅ Native Qualification
From Instagram’s Stories-like interactions to AI video interviewing, create a native experience that keeps your candidates engaged.

✅ Ongoing Engagement
Automated communication by stage with candidates.
Hire 10x faster with Employ AI.
Attract the best candidates with our self-service AI tool.